I just wanted to give the viewers of my blog a personal status update since most of the content lately hasn't been personal blogs.

I made a trip to my urologist this week for a checkup. It was my first trip back since the end of 2009 when I still had a slightly enlarged prostate.

The doctor performed the dreaded DRE(Digital Rectal Exam). Upon the examination I was told my prostate was back to normal size. There were no abnormalities found during the exam.

Just as a precaution there was another PSA(Prostate Specific Antigen) blood test done as well. I got those results back today with great results. My PSA score was at 0.8 ng/ml which was even lower than it was last year.

The urologist asked me about diet & supplements again. I told him that I'm still going strong on supplements & eat a well balanced & organic/natural diet. He said the blood test results showed nearly all major concerns in the range needed & some even better than expected. I told him it was due to the supplements,diet,& exercise for my newly found health.

He didn't disagree either. He was very pleased with my results & said to just keep doing what I'm currently doing. I told him not to worry that I'm sticking with my plan. It's great to have my health & lifestyle back.

It's indeed a feeling of a brighter outlook on life now & this is coming from a man of faith. I once lost about all that faith but I'm glad to be here telling my story now. Thanks for viewing my blog & feel free to email me any questions or post your comments/questions on my blog. Thanks!

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