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My Prostate Symptoms Progression

Let me start out by giving my viewers the background of my initial signs of a prostate issue:

September, 2007:

I started having some very minor urination problems during this month. They were barely noticeable but more night-time bathroom trips & slight burning during urination where the main signs. I started drinking more water & thought this would clear things up.

October, 2007:

My symptoms started getting worse. I had more night-time bathroom trips & burning during urination. I also started feeling like I was setting on a golf ball at times. I again started drinking extra water daily. I felt better for a short period of time but still symptoms where never gone.

November, 2007:

By this time, things were gradually getting worse. I was only drinking water & green tea at this time. I had no other type fluids going into my body. My symptoms were just getting worse by the day.

December, 2007:

This was getting near holiday time & I wasn't feeling well at all. My burning & bathroom trips were more frequent. I then had additional symptoms of feeling tired & depressed. I wasn't eating regularly & my appetite was going south. I hadn't lost much weight at this time but was showing signs of trouble eating.

January, 2008:

I started feeling very down & depressed. I couldn't do any setting for longer than 10-15 minutes at a time.I would break out into a sweat if I set too long & would feel like I was going to faint. I still was in denial I guess but tried to keep going. I was not very active at all even though I had been active all my life. I was very depressed but still wasn't getting any help because of my denial about having a prostate issue. Men are sometimes too manly to admit there's something going on down there, right? I was starting to think the worse & I was dead-set I had prostate cancer.

February, 2008:

I was getting much worse by this time & was now suffering from fever & chills to go along with all the other symptoms. I then decided it was time to finally try to figure pout what was going on with me. My wife had really fussed at me all the time to go to the doctor. However, I'm a man & we don't admit there's a problem there like I said before.

March, 2008:

After researching on the net for days I decided to make a phone call to a local urologist office. I went to my first appointment on March 28th. I provided a urine sample to go along with blood work. The doctor then asked to do a Digital Rectal Exam(DRE) to check my prostate manually. The word "digital" here doesn't mean by a machine but by the doctor's finger. I knew this wasn't going to be any fun. Upon examination, the doctor stated that my prostate was "very enlarged" & felt soft to the touch. This normally shows a prostate infection & therefore he suggested treatment with antibiotics.

I was given a 3-week course of Doxycycline to treat the supposed infection. BTW, the PSA(Prostate Specific Antigen) test came back with a reading of 0.9 which is below normal for any prostate cancer. Normal is considered between 1.0-4.0 on a scale. Anything above 4.0 is considered abnormal but higher numbers are more serious like 10.0 or higher. That relieved me somewhat for a short time. I will cover this test in detailed later as well.

April, 2008:

After going through the 3-week treatment with antibiotics I did feel quite a bit better. However, about a week after the treatment stopped I started feeling bad again. I was getting back the frequent urination at night & burning during urination along with the golf ball feeling from the testicle area. About 2 weeks later I was right back where I was before with pain from sitting & depressed. I then said I'm gonna study on the net even more about this situation. Doctors like to throw antibiotics into our bodies for all sorts of health problems. Once studying more I was thinking that this wasn't going to make me better or at least allow me to manage my prostate problems.

May, 2008:

I decided I would give the urologist office another call for another appointment. However, I got so sick that I couldn't wait for that appointment & had to make a trip to the ER. I was the sickest I had been now with nausea,pain,sweats,& very depressed. The ER doctor stated that I had been on the wrong antibiotics & changed it to an0ther in the same class. This was also a 3-week course treatment. I didn't keep my followup appointment with the urologist since I was back on antibiotics.

June, 2008:

Once the most recent course of antibiotics was finished I again started feeling bad. This was only about 4-5 days after the treatment stopped. I then started researching deeply on the net about my prostate problems. What I found out was that this was the typical protocol by doctor's for prostate infections. They rarely worked & some people even suffered worse problems from antibiotics. I still decided to call the urologist office for an appointment. I went to this appointment on June 26. I again was diagnosed with an infection & that more antibiotics was needed. I SAID NO THANKS THIS TIME! I told the doctor I was considering alternative treatments now instead of prescription meds.

July, 2008:

After extensive research I decided that I would give herbals a try to see if that route helped. I visited many sites researching the best herbs & herbal brand name products to possibly try. I mean I spent hours daily trying to make sure that I didn't throw money away to these so called scammers. There are tons of products & formulas to treat not only prostate disorders but many health-related problems. I didn't want to go with the wrong products. I found quite a few single supplements/herbs that I started using & I will be going in detail on these in future writings. To be short at this time I started taking about 16 combination herbs & supplements in the month of July.

August-October, 2008:

During these 3 months I kept at taking the herbs & supplements on a regular basis. Boy, I was feeling like a new person compared to the feeling while on antibiotics. I still am only drinking filtered water & green tea all during this time & NOTHING else period. Another thing I need to mention is my DIET. This is also a big factor in managing prostate related illnesses.

I too will be going over my detailed diet in the future. One other thing is LIFE-STYLE change. I will cover all these things at a later time but right now I wanna just give the rundown of my prostate problems & timing. By the end of October I was actually nearly 100% symptom free. I felt like I had my life back again & wasn't worried now about prostate cancer.

November, 2008-present:

Now, I appear to have my life completely back with barely noticeable symptoms. Most of the time I don't even have any symptoms at all. Prostate infections are divided into several categories & I will cover this in future articles. All prostate infections are called "prostatitis" but here is where they get divided into types. These will be covered later. I will provide links to many of the same sites I used & will provide as much help for people that are experiencing the same awful medical problems I went through.

It's not something that any man wants to experience but maintaining prostate performance & health will go a long way towards avoiding issues in the future & also lead the ones suffering back to good health. Looking forward to posting more articles in the near future & I will be back soon with more information. Thanks for reading & have a great day!

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